Fundraiser for 15 kamikaze and 5 air defense drones

Fundraiser for 15 kamikaze and 5 air defense drones


About this campaign

With the U.S. reducing its military aid, your support can make a difference. We’ve seen how the advance of Russian troops in the East can be halted by units using drone systems. Drones help stop assaults, take down enemy scouts, and save lives.

Since the beginning of the year, we’ve collected and delivered 42 kamikaze drones to the military — 15 seven-inch and 27 ten-inch (three are night drones). We currently have 13 more drones in progress, and requests keep coming in. Therefore we’re opening this fundraiser for 15 kamikaze drones and 5 anti-aircraft drones to counter aerial threats.

The cost of components for one kamikaze drone is $200 (8,240 UAH), and for one anti-aircraft drone, it’s $550 (22,660 UAH). Our total fundraising goal is $5,750 (237,000 UAH).

The target is significant, so we encourage everyone to participate or join and open support jars.

(tg, instagram: @purgatorius69 or send an email to about your initiatives. We can provide you with designs to accompany your posts)

For donations or closed support fundraisers of 8,240 UAH ($200) or more, you can leave a signature or sticker on a drone.

Moreover, the largest donor will receive a souvenir — a captured Russian drone. If the donation is from abroad, the logistics for sending the gift might be more complex.

Please make sure to leave your contact information in the donation description.

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