Delivery to the Kharkiv volunteer Network Help in Palms

In June, an initiative from Nuremberg, Menschlichkeit Spender, sent 4.5 pallets of children’s things to the Solidarity Collectives.
Since aid for children is not our area of work, we’ve redirected this delivery to the Kharkiv volunteer network Help in Palms, which unites parents of underage children and IDPs from the region to Kharkiv. The network operates as a mutual aid chat helping people to find and distribute children’s things, such as diapers, baby formula, clothes, strollers, etc.
After personally meeting one of the activists of this movement, Alevtyna from Derhachi, we regularly send children’s clothes, diapers and other things we receive to Kharkiv. The network includes hundreds of parents who have one, two or more children and who cannot buy the basic necessities due to the war. Here is a link to their social media account if there’s someone among our readers who also wants to help: their primary need is for baby formula and diapers in all sizes, but clothes, shoes, strollers, toys, children’s hygiene items will also definitely come in handy.
A special thanks to the comrades from ABC Dresden and ABC Galicia for their help in transporting things to Ukraine.