Rebuilding the South

Right now all of our attention is focused on the Kherson Region, where the destruction of the Kakhovka Hydroelectric Power Plant flooded dozens of towns and a few neighborhoods of Kherson. We are also ready to help the victims, but today we would like to tell you a bit about our work in the north of the region, which was right on the frontline for months and where the rebuilding has already begun.
Rebuilding Ukraine is not something that will happen in the distant future, after the victory we’ve been dreaming of. Unfortunately, people whose houses have been damaged or destroyed cannot wait. It is something that is happening right now. And it is mostly done by the residents themselves with support from volunteers. Including the Solidarity Collectives.
We have already reported on our trip to Kherson and Mykolayiv Regions. The villages which have long been located right on the frontline have suffered extensive destruction. But despite this, people return there and start rebuilding their homes. So this time we sent some construction tools to them once again to make the task easier. Many tools were given to the whole community, so that every resident can use them.
This time we sent them jigsaws, electric trimmers, drills, disc grinders, a sander, cables, extenders, hand saws, shovels, axes, and toolsets. We were able to buy them thanks to the help of our comrades from Ukraine Solidarity Bus, which we are incredibly grateful for. And they were delivered to the villages by our friends from the volunteer group Beautiful Studio and our Italian comrade Ludovico.
We were able to help not only the local residents but also their domestic animals. Thanks to your help, we bought or received animal feed which we also distributed in the villages.
Our work continues. We hope that the next stage will be direct help with restoring the buildings. For now it is just a project, but if you are interested in being a part of it, join us.