Injuries, rehabilitation, and return to duty – a reality faced by those who have been fighting for three years already

Solidarity Collectives is starting a series of publications about soldiers wounded during this war. We asked our fighters about their experiences with treatment, thoughts on trauma, rehabilitation, and return to duty. How’s the support system changing? Is it addressing real needs? In conditions where the government is giving injured soldiers less and less choice, there is an obvious need to create an independent veteran organization that will provide support and protection to those coming back from the front.
The series will open with the text of an eco-anarchist fighter whose call sign is Vegan. He’ll share his view on injuries being just a part of life and on changes in the medical system.
‘I don’t want to think that I am giving away my well-being to the government. I could’ve been hit by a car or reeled in by a machine at the factory. In the same way, health was being compromised in the street fights. Therefore, I see it as an inevitable part of life — accessorising the body with history.
I’m on my third injury. I’ll be discharged from the hospital and back to my duties in a few days. Something has shifted since the years 2023–24. Back then, I had sick leave and prolonged rehabilitation. Now, the medical system doesn’t give you a choice. There are many injured and a lack of fighters, so the treatment is utilitarian, and people with fresh, light wounds are put back into their positions.
Three years into the full-scale war, what can you do? From now on, it’ll only get worse.’